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Winner of the Flash Fiction Competition at the Swindon Festival of Literature 2023.

3 min read
First Step
‘Five minutes to go. You’re still OK, Harper?’ said a man through the intercom. Her voice was too dry to reply, so she gave a thumbs up...

5 min read
This is the beginning of a novel. Chapter 1 Near Sarakka Crater, on Callisto Freyja’s pickaxe hit on the rock-solid ice hard. It made a...

4 min read
Universal Equilibrium
‘Life in space is aberrant, an unnatural situation. We shouldn’t be here,’ the man said, staring at the bedroom ceiling. ‘Where should we...

7 min read
Between the Ice and the Stars
This is the beginning of a short story. Ice particles lifted in the tenuous atmosphere as his boot stepped onto the frozen ground. The...

3 min read
Waiting for the End
This is the beginning of a short story. Chapter 1 Daniel was one of the first people to have a glimpse of the Great Collapse;...

5 min read
An Urban Tale
As I was guiding her eyes at the bright yellow light in the night sky, she exclaimed in surprise, “That’s Jupiter?” A grin appeared...
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